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Miss Wolanek's Lesson Designs:

Hello! Welcome to my lesson design website. These designs were created to help readers of various levels: whether they are in the beginning stages of recognizing phonemes or are fluent readers, looking to refine their skills in summarizing passages. Feel free to take a look at my lesson designs! If you find something you like, you can use them and adapt the lessons for your own use! Thanks for visiting! 

Emergent Literacy: This lesson is designed for students who are in the beginning stages of recognizing letters and phonemes. 
Beginning Reading: This lesson is deisnged for students with well-developed phoneme awareness who are working towards decoding whole text 
Growing Independence & Fluency: This lesson is designed for students who are strong readers, but are working on becoming faster, more fluent readers. 
Reading to Learn: This lesson is designed for students who are fluent readers and are ready to learn the technique of summarizing a passage. 
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